To say time flies is putting it mildly sometimes. And it seems to fly at an accelerated rate when spring break is creeping up. The sun and beach is calling your name, but you’re frustrated with that bit of extra fat around your middle.
The good news is that you don't have to panic just yet. By getting started now — and adhering to the following steps — you'll hit the beach with the flat stomach you desire. And what’s great is these tips are simple and don’t require you to work yourself to death to get swimsuit-ready. 1. Cut out processed foods No matter how hard you train, a bad diet is going to keep you from reaching your goals. A good place to start diet-wise is by cutting out processed foods, microwave dinners, fast food, chips, soda, etc. The extra sodium and sugar in these foods and beverages will derail your best training efforts. 2. Limit your alcohol intake No, this isn't everyone's favorite suggestion, but it's a very important part of the gut-tightening process. Alcohol not only consists of empty calories, but it also releases estrogen that can cause weight gain. Here's something else to consider: alcohol has nearly twice as many calories as it does protein and carbs. Looking for some low-cal cocktail ideas for spring break? Check out these 5 delicious drinks! 3. Work on your core You may be wondering why those endless sets of ab crunches haven't produced any noticeable results. The truth is, working your whole body has a far greater impact in regards to tightening your stomach. Core strength training works the entire body, which means you're constantly engaging the abdominal region during your workout. Training your core at least two to three times a week will spare you the tedium of the hundreds of crunches you've been doing. 4. Drink more water There are so many reasons to drink water, including the fact that what we perceive as hunger might actually be thirst. So, water serves as an appetite suppressant and can help keep you from snacking and overeating during meals. Plus, proper hydration leads to better athletic performance as water makes up 75% of our muscle tissue. 5. Sleep If you're burning the proverbial midnight oil, you aren't doing yourself any favors when it comes to keeping your body in spring-break shape. Getting adequate sleep plays an integral role on our weight because a lack of sleep decreases the release of fat-burning human growth hormone (HGH) while increasing the amount of cortisol — a stress hormone that leads to weight gain. Eight hours of sleep is preferable, but seven will do. Need a little extra help in the fitness department? Download Ralph Roberts’ free 25 Day Total Ab Workout and get your core in shape for spring break! |